Special introductory fee
Pakistani Students: Rs.1000
Foreign Students: US$24 (plus postage and handling)
Pakistani Students: Rs.1000
Foreign Students: US$24 (plus postage and handling)
Registration closes two weeks before the beginning of the session. The course will be repeated in January, April, July and October 2012.
Designed and conducted by
Khurram Ali Shafique
Author of Iqbal: an Illustrated Biography
Khurram Ali Shafique
Author of Iqbal: an Illustrated Biography
Offered by the Republic of Rumi Website; certified by Iqbal Academy Pakistan; in co-ordination with Educational Resource Development Centre (ERDC), Dr. Iqbal Society of North America (DISNA) and other organizations
Course Outline
- INDUCTION: a new perspective on self-development through Jalaluddin Rumi
- THE SEVEN STAGES: introduction to a “mainstream” model of self-development from the works of Attar, Nezami, Shakespeare, Bhittai and Iqbal
- PREPARATION: Activities on the first three stages in the story of Javid Nama, and the practical ideals emerging from them
- APPLICATION: Activities on stages 4-6 in the story of Javid Nama, and the practical ideals emerging from them
- CULMINATION: Activities on final stage in the story of Javid Nama, and practical tips for applying the whole model in personal, professional and social lives
jzakallah kahir for the course.hope we all will benifit frm this and will apply in our lives.