About the Author
Works in English
Books (as Author)
Life and Times of Pakistan (1997)
Iqbal: an Illustrated Biography (2006)
The Republic of Rumi: a Novel of Reality (2007)
The Beast and the Lion (2007)
Shakespeare According to Iqbal (2010)
2017: The Battle for Marghdeen (2012)
Books (as Editor)
Stray Reflections (2006)
Javidnama (2006)
A Message from the East (2010)
Textbooks, multimedia, articles and papers in English are listed separately.
Works in Urdu
Books (as Author)
نشانِ حیدر
سمندر کی آواز سنو
دمادم رواں ہے یمِ زندگی
میارا بزم بر ساحل
ارتباطِ حرف و معنی
انداز محرمانہ
اقبال: ابتدائی دور
اقبال: تشکیلی دور
راشد منہاس
روشنی کی تلاش
سائیکو مینشن
رانا پیلس
اقبال: درمیانی دور
Books (as Editor)
جاویدنامہ، اسرار و رموز، پیامِ مشرق
Textbooks, plays (for stage and television), articles and papers in Urdu are listed separately.
Online Courses