
Monday, March 18, 2013

Iqbal: an Illustrated Biography

Iqbal: an Illustrated Biography by Khuram Ali Shafique

First published by Iqbal Academy Pakistan in 2006; reprinted 2006, 2009, 2010, 2012

pp. 208 (US Letter size, full-color coffee-table format)

Price Rs.1000

Recipient of the Presidential Iqbal Award
Believing in the elemental unity of matter and spirit, he pointed out that all humanity was one. Anything that divides the human race is evil and must be opposed. The ideal to be achieved is a world free from poverty and tyranny. He believed that it was possible, and offered a spiritual solution to achieve this end. His observations seem strikingly contemporary today.

This is the fascinating story of the life and times of the man who defied the cynicism of his age and upheld his belief in the future of the humankind, their glory and their possible immortality.

Iqbal: an Illustrated Biography is arranged like a library of information, visual and documentary records, and memorabilia about one of the most important minds of the modern times.

From the comment by Dr. Javid Iqbal
Printed on the back title

...This book is a commendable effort to bring together the various aspects of Iqbal in an interesting manner with visual embellishment. It is a one-volume encyclopedia of his life, work and times.

From the comment by Shamsur Rahman Faruqi
Printed on the back title

...The present book is an encyclopedic biography that covers all these aspects of the mind of Iqbal, without removing him from his various contexts: his time, his beautiful expression, and his unconditional faith in a common future for humanity.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings,

    This is an amazing, beautiful book which any person who admires and loves Iqbal, and his works, should have close to them.

    All good wishes,

